His aim is to be the Best Photographer. Her aim is to win the Beauty Pageant.
He participates in Photography Contest. She takes part in Miss California Event.
He is Diganth and She is Jahnvi. Poles apart, they meet up in India, because of their grandparents.
She hates India. She hates Indians. She hates the culture. She hates the tradition. She hates the atmosphere.
But… one fine day, she loves India. She loves Indians. She loves the traditions and she loves the Atmosphere.
It's the time when she is in a dilemma, to stay back in India or to go Back to fulfill her aim of winning the contest.
What would she do? Will she win the title or will she sacrifice her love for - Rohini (the childhood friend of Diganth).
Find out the answers for yourself, in Kodlu Ramakrishna's Miss California.